Event Partner


Ateme is a global leader of video compression and delivery solutions, helping tier-one content providers, service providers and streaming platforms boost their viewership and subscriber numbers.

Leveraging an R&D task force that is unique in the video industry, Ateme’s solutions power sustainable TV services, improve end-users’ quality of experience, optimize the total cost of ownership of TV/VOD services, and generate new revenue streams based on personalization and ad insertion. Beyond offering technological agility, Ateme partners with its customers, offering flexible business models that match their financial priorities.


Tell us a little bit about Ateme

Ateme is an innovator that relentlessly focuses on helping content and service providers deliver better experiences to their audiences, more efficiently and more profitably. We do this by providing video compression, packaging, and CDN solutions. To boost profitability, we also provide solutions for personalization and monetization, including targeted advertising and FAST channels.


What’s the most exciting project coming up for Ateme?

Live 3D stereoscopic video, to go beyond VOD catalogues and bring the immersive experience for live sports and concerts.


What are you most looking forward to at the DTG Summit 2024?

I’m really looking forward to presenting our innovations for spatial computing in the UK market and beyond and amaze the audience with it.


What does The Bigger Picture look like for Ateme and why is it important?

The Bigger Picture is that content really is King – and Queen! After years of trying to merge content with social media, interactivity, etc. we believe it’s time to go back to basics. Yes, all these extra things are exciting and enable new possibilities, but what really strikes a chord in viewers’ hearts is when the screen becomes your world, and you feel totally immersed in the sensory experience.


What will be the biggest gamechanger in the next five years and why?

Immersive experiences. Within immersive experiences, 3D stereoscopic video plays a major role, because it is a leap toward “near real” audio-visual experiences. Since viewers are not dependent on big screens and large apartments, it is available to everyone and usable anywhere. The quality is already astonishing today, and this will only get better!


What is the one big issue the sector needs to address together?

The sector needs to be able to captivate audiences: There are so many offers to viewers and competition with social media. Competition is especially fierce when it comes to Gen Z – for both captivating their attention and making them ready to pay. For that, we must amaze our viewers, and stereoscopic 3D experiences give this extra wow effect.


Tell us something people might not know about Ateme

Ateme won three Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards in 2021, on video perceptual metrics encoding optimization and artificial intelligence optimization of video encoding. We’ve come a long way since the very first project about monitoring the state of catenaries for the French railway company TGV 30 years ago!



TV | The Bigger Picture

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